Last night saw the start of another season of Endeavour, the Inspector Morse prequel. I watched it this evening and thought it got the series off to a good start – although it feels like a long time since it was last on, so I’m a bit hazy on how they got from the previous series to the starting places for this one.
I decided to also take the opportunity to do some drawing practise:
I think the original Morse series would have been easier to work from! Endeavour does a brilliant job of creating a period feel in the setting but the filming is more modern and it’s rare that any one scene rests in front of your eyes for long.
I mainly sketched faces and mainly young Morse, with his fetching moustache. If you watch it, you might spot one or two other faces too. It isn’t an amazing piece of artwork but was a decent way to get that extra bit of practise in while also enjoying the programme.