Wulf's Webden

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A Relief


Marble Relief
Marble Relief, Ashmolean Museum

Yesterday lunchtime, I fancied visiting a museum, which was slightly stymied by the fact that Oxford museums have adopted Monday as their common day off. That’s why the date on this picture is from a month or so ago – a marble relief from the Aegean region, carved about 2,500 years ago.

Instead, I ended up using my lunchtime to visit the library instead, where I browsed a couple of large format art books (the size you want to sit down and read in situ rather than try carrying home!). The first was about the work of Tracey Emin. I was hoping I’d find some wonderful draughtsmanship or at least some insightful commentary. Perhaps another day. I mainly saw puerile adolescent scribblings, rude words in neon and primitive applique (with more rude words).

A less stony relief, then, to spend some time with another book about Barbara Rae. She works in a fairly abstract style and I imagine that many people would not get the pieces in the same way that I struggle with Emin’s output. However, I find the balance of colour and contrast to often be energising and I would be interested to get a chance to see some of Rae’s work in real life.

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