Wulf's Webden

The Webden on WordPress



“To sleep, perchance to dream…” (Hamlet 3:1:71)

I think I must have been too busy this weekend – I set my head down for a quick nap after I’d finally finished cooking and eating the Sunday roast and woke up about four hours later, having entirely missed the jazz jam I’d been planning on attending.

So, not quite the Sunday I’d planned but one of the things I did manage to do was get another homebrew fermenting. This was another take on Graham Wheeler’s Theakston Old Peculier clone. I was very pleased with the Pe’haps brew I did earlier this year and there’s still time for this one to be ready for Christmas.

Vital stats: 1,610g pale malt, 100g light crystal and 65g chocolate malt. 10g fuggles hops, 8g challenger and 5g goldings. Into the fermenter with Nottingham yeast at a starting gravity of 1.053.

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