Wulf's Webden

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Getting Back into Lumberjack Mode


It’s that time of year when I’m trying to make sure I’ve got as much seasoned wood as possible cut up and ready to bring into burn when we need it and as much of the newer supplies trimmed down to help them in the process of drying out. I think we’ve comfortably got enough to see us through this year but, given the slow speed of natural drying, I have an eye on next year and even the year beyond.

I’ve also got to get some wood from a large conifer, which friends recently had cut down, stowed. Coniferous wood can be quite wet and resinous so really wants at least a couple of years to season. I’ve got the space to accommodate it but tomorrow morning (hopefully before the expected rain sets in) will see a certain amount of shuffling supplies from one storage bay to another as I try to keep things working round my system in a logical fashion.

Hard work… but I’m looking forward to enjoying the benefit of some blazing log fires.

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