Our plum tree has been experiencing ‘June drop‘, the natural shedding of some excess fruits and I’ve been able to pick up some green plums in good condition from the ground. I’ve also reduced some clusters that seem too densely packed and we should be in for a decent crop next month. However, what can you do with green plums?
I did some online searching and pickling looked like a good option. I loved the ripe plums I pickled last summer. I found a simple looking recipe and have now got a couple of jars sitting in the fridge waiting to be tried this coming weekend (but hopefully lasting a little bit longer). I’ll also keep an eye to see how much more fruit drops off in the next couple of weeks; this might be a good way to stop it going to waste and, if they are to my taste, an incentive not to hold back on thinning fruit so that the ripe ones we get are larger still.