Wulf's Webden

The Webden on WordPress

Speed Dial in Style


I am persisting with my Opera browser experiment. Most things work very well although a few don’t look quite right and I’ve still got the bulk of my bookmarks on Firefox which is now sharing the role of main browser. Firefox sometimes has a tendency to work the CPU quite hard and Opera seems better on that front, particularly in ‘battery saver’ mode.

One of the features of Opera is what they call ‘speed dial’ – effectively a page of large, pretty bookmarks. The trouble was that Opera was assigning the appearance automatically and it wasn’t as clear as I would have liked to distinguish between them. This morning, I did a little searching and turned up the relevant help page. It turns out that, when on a speed dial page, you can click the heart icon and select from a range of choices. There are some quirks – for example some pages automatically redirect to others so it can be hard to pin down the one you want to bookmark. Overall though, it is enough to keep me happy.

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