Wulf's Webden

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Some of these…


Digitalis with white flowers and red centres

Digitalis ‘Pam’s Choice’

We should have some of these growing in the garden next year. A few weeks ago I made an order from J Parker’s, including 6 Digitalis, 6 Hollyhocks and 6 Monarda along with some daffodil bulbs. They turned up after work this evening and it was still (just about) light enough to pop out and pot the plugs up in small pots and give them a quick water. I think it is too late to try and establish them outside (although I’ll check that) so they will probably live in the polytunnel until spring.

All the plugs seemed quite root bound so I hope they will be alright – I’ve had plug grown plants from Parker’s before but these had a denser, more fibrous mat than I expected although at least they were in their separate modules and not grown together. We’ll find out… next year!

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