Yesterday was a double axe day. In the morning I was in the garden helping more wood work its way round my storage system with hatchet, axe and saw. Logs and sticks get divided into lengths of approximately a double hand span, split and then reduced down to a single hand span. Adding in plenty of time exposed to the air but protected from the worst of the rain in order to dry out and we end up with decent fuel. Yes, there were some song lyrics earlier in the paragraph but don’t Rush to find them!
In the evening I had my String Project gig playing my six string bass – a different kind of axe. Overall it was an excellent evening although we had a couple of interesting moments which could be blamed on Ableton, or possibly just indicate that it is unwise to make tweaks to a prepared set between the final rehearsal and the actual gig. Mind you, we seemed to get away with it – the audience might have assumed that the, erm, dramatic tempo changes in one song were by design rather than accident.