Wulf's Webden

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Double Test


Exam day has arrived and I feel reasonbly confident. As long as I turn up and manage at least a sketchy answer for each question, I should pick up enough marks to secure an overall pass (on the Open University module M812 Digital Forensics). Fortunately the system doesn’t involve deducting marks for wrong answers so, to some extent you can play the numbers; gleaning a few marks from each question is a better strategy than presenting a few very polished responses but entirely neglecting the ones you feel hesitant about.

There is a second test though: finding the venue and finding somewhere to park. GPS will assist with the first and I’ve also done my homework on the second. I don’t think I will find parking at my favourite price (free!) for the required duration, at least not within a sensible distance given the likelihood that this morning’s golden light will turn to leaden rain all too soon. However, Milton Keynes Council does provide extraordinarily detailed parking information including block by block maps and statistics on average ‘parking space residency’ in June and December.

I think my homework on the parking test is done sufficiently; time for a final revision session and then off to the car!

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