Wulf's Webden

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Lamb from Jerusalem


Lamb seems a very appropriate meat for an Easter meal being the celebration of Jesus, the Lamb of God, who has taken away the sins of the world and so yesterday wasn’t the first time I have made that choice for my table. However, I was able to go one better by serving up lamb from (the recipe book) Jerusalem.

If I understand the description correctly it is inspired by what sounds very much like a donor kebab. However, the rich spice mixture, including cloves and star anise, is applied to a joint of lamb which is then slow cooked. I didn’t quite follow the book with its call for 4.5 hours in a low over but pressed my slow cooker into service meaning that I could set it up and be ready for the final stages on my return from church.

Served up with unleavened bread and various vegetables (including brussels sprouts which we kept meaning to harvest from the garden… food metres rather than food miles) it was a delicious repast and I’ll be tempted to go there again before next Easter rolls around.

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