Wulf's Webden

The Webden on WordPress

Secret Llama Farm


No, this wasn’t the plan I had bubbling away for the New Year. However, since we have arrived at 2015, it is time to pick up the reins of blogging once more and wish you a happy New Year. Jane and I saw the New Year in playing a boardgame at home with a couple of friends. We played Isla Dorada, and I probably should have done a bit more preparation as it took a while to remember the rules and even longer to explain them. I’m pleased to say that we were both thoroughly trounced when we totted up the results.

Pleased to lose? Since I won both games of Carcassone last time they came round, it was probably the best result for encouraging them to play again although I have to admit that it was more by luck than judgement. Experienced players might disagree but I think this game is fairly random in the results certainly when most (all!) of you are trying to figure out what it is you are trying to do but it was no less fun for that.

The llama farm? Jane and I discovered a field with several of them on a local stroll yesterday morning. I can’t tell you exactly where though because then it wouldn’t be a secret, would it?! And, as for the other plans… I’ve registered a new domain and started setting up a site for it but there is a bit more polishing to do. Watch this space as the New Year rolls on.


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