Wulf's Webden

The Webden on WordPress

All a-quiver


It was the first outing tonight for my new double bass case for a String Project rehearsal. It worked well: I slightly miss the central side handle but it has enough other handles to grab onto and I’m sure I’ll get used to it. I also discovered a hidden bonus – inside the long bow pocket is an extra padded case to give additional protection. My bow isn’t fantastic but I’m glad of some extra help to look after it.

At the same time I got the case I also got what is known as a bow quiver. This is a long leather pouch that ties onto the front of the bass and gives somewhere to put the bow when not using it. Often there only a short rest to switch from pizzicato to arco but this makes it a lot easier. It also removes the tension that I was feeling coming up to transition as I don’t have to look for rests or open string notes where I can pick up the bow and then struggle to keep playing with it until it comes into play.

So, I think a couple of worthwhile investments to support my hobby.

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