Wulf's Webden

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All I Want For Christmas is Uke


I know we’re not even a week into Advent yet but I’ve got my first Christmas gig under my belt today. Jane and I did a set with jUKEbox, the ukulele group we attend at work, entertaining shoppers at the Christmas market that was being run in one of the research buildings on Old Road today.

There was a recording so I might get a chance to listen back in the cold light of day before too long but I think it sounded pretty good. We aren’t quite The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain but definitely improving. I think we did more songs than last year in a varied set that included traditional carols, seasonal pop favourites and few pieces of instrumental music that weren’t particularly Christmas-themed but provided a chance to demonstrate another side of the instrument.

All in all, a fun event, even if I did have to wear a comedy reindeer hat for the performance!

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