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Bass Swap


Last night was cold and wet so I arranged to take my electric bass (Sei Flamboyant six string) down to the String Project rehearsal instead of my double bass. I thought we might be practising more at the poppy end of the range but we actually spent a fair amount of time on the quartet numbers, that is the fully scored modern classical pieces.

Although between the two I am definitely more fluent on the six string, it was interesting to note that passages I’ve drilled in on the double bass were sometimes harder to follow on the electric. Much of this was because I keep my six string in a non-standard tuning and so couldn’t rely on the open strings and position shifts that are engrained from the upright; if anything, I had to work against them because those ruts wouldn’t keep me on the right track. I don’t do enough dot reading on the electric to always jump to the right note. Overall it sounded okay, perhaps even a bit like Steve Swallow (who uses his electric bass extensively in a modern classical setting) but I’ll probably be back to the double bass next week, hopefully with the new gig bag I’ve ordered arriving over the weekend.

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