Wulf's Webden

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A Touch of Flare


Mountain with artificial lens flare effect

Lens flare over Cader Idris

My normal photo processing approach simply crops the image, tweaks the contrast and colour balance and applies a touch of image sensitive (or “smart”) sharpening. I tend to eschew more overt adjustments. However, working on this picture from a recent trip to Wales I found myself with a desire to break out the lens flare tool to complete it.

It took a bit of looking as it could be a decade or more since I last used that particular toy from the Gimp’s crowded box. You can compare it with the processed version sans flare. I think that, in this case, it does add to the image. One thing I am sure of though; I would rather be adding an artificial flare to a photo than trying to edit a real one out!

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