Wulf's Webden

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Made it to the local rag!


Aha! The Rock Nativity got covered by the Oxford Mail and the photo they chose to illustrate the article (showing Savannah Willett as Mary) includes the band in the background:

Performance of Rock Nativity; actor in the foreground and band in the background

Mary and the Band

You can see me at the left of the frame. I’m largely lost in the shadows but my bass is caught in the edge of the spotlight (bass fans will recognise that I’m still playing my Sei Flamboyant six string. Click the photo to read the full article from their website.

As most amateur shows do, the production had its flaws but also some magical moments. Some were comedic (the drunken shepherd teetered about most precariously in his scene; great physical comedy), some were musical (Savannah, pictured here, had a beautiful, rich contralto voice and it was a pleasure accompanying this piece) and some were surprisingly poignant. Jim Hewitt, quoted in the Oxford Mail article had a distinctly rubato approach to the timing of his songs but commanded the stage like a true pantomime villain; then, at one point, the narrative has him be the one who casts the shadow of betrayal and crucifixion and betrayal over the proceedings. Incarnation wasn’t just for Christmas, any more than the power of drama is just for fancy professional venues.

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