Wulf's Webden

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White Beetroot Relish


We are starting to get into preserving season, where the garden is producing ample fruits and we need to make time to process some of them to enjoy in less bountiful months. Yesterday we pulled up the rest of our white beetroot, which had reached a healthy size. After an hour or so of simmering to soften them I peeled and chopped up quite finely. We also had quite a few Welsh Onions (Allium fistulosum) on hand, so I used these as shallot-substitutes, chopped fine and softened in wine vinegar. Beetroot and onion were then combined with sugar and boiled with some large, fragrant peppercorns for about 40 minutes before potting up in a couple of sterilised jars.

Now we have to be patient and leave them for a month or so in a dark place to mature but, with plenty of fresh stuff available in the garden, that shouldn’t be too onerous.

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