Wulf's Webden

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I’ve survived the Red Lion Jazz Jam this evening; there were some tunes I’ve not played or, in some cases, not even heard of before but also a few familiar tracks like Misty and Take the A Train. I even attracted a round of applause for my solo on Black Orpheus although, with the finger busting I was doing through the evening, I think I earned it.

There was also another bassist there, Julian, who I briefly corresponded with three or four years back on the Basschat forums. He was playing a four string Sei Flamboyant (similar to my six string). It was great to meet him at last and also to hear him play (at least a little respite from wrestling with the double bass). He confirmed my theory that the upright bass sounds louder further away. On the band stand it was pretty quiet but down the other end of the room he felt it sat well in the overall sound.

I am not always free on the first Monday of the month but, when I am, I will definitely consider another visit to the jam.

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