In a couple of weeks I will be heading off for a week at Soul Survivor. In preparation I got the tent out last night. I haven’t used this one for a long while. It turns out that we did … Continue reading
31 July 2012
by wpAdmin
31 July 2012
by wpAdmin
In a couple of weeks I will be heading off for a week at Soul Survivor. In preparation I got the tent out last night. I haven’t used this one for a long while. It turns out that we did … Continue reading
29 July 2012
by wpAdmin
If my guitar cable had been where I expected it this morning, we would have been out of the door and on our way to church when the BT engineer called to fix our phone connection. Instead I was delayed … Continue reading
27 July 2012
by wpAdmin
At least, it may be quiet as far as my online contributions go. Our phone line (and subsequently broadband) is dead. It is currently under investigation but I won’t be surprised if I don’t get another chance to get online … Continue reading
26 July 2012
by wpAdmin
As a reminder, here is what our back garden was looking like a couple of months ago, at the end of May I took some more photos this morning, which are another reminder of how much change takes place in … Continue reading
25 July 2012
by wpAdmin
At this time of year, flies are getting to be a pain. Sometimes they will obligingly scoot out of a window you kindly open for them but, as often as not, they instead retreat deeper into the house. It wouldn’t … Continue reading
24 July 2012
by wpAdmin
It was time for a top up shop tonight but those nice people at Tesco made it much more interesting by providing an opportunity for me to stretch my mental arithmetic and memory skills. Last time I went there, I … Continue reading
23 July 2012
by wpAdmin
We are starting to get into preserving season, where the garden is producing ample fruits and we need to make time to process some of them to enjoy in less bountiful months. Yesterday we pulled up the rest of our … Continue reading
22 July 2012
by wpAdmin
I am pleased to announce details of the next Deep to Deep gathering of Christian bassists. Our next meeting will be on Saturday 13 October at Wallingford Baptist Church (OX10 0BH). As normal, the day will run from 11am – 3:30pm. At the … Continue reading
21 July 2012
by wpAdmin
The Olympic flame passed through Oxford earlier this week but I didn’t watch it. Frankly, I am a bit of an Olympic humbug; it seems to be at least as much about boosting the profits of mega-corporations and tightly controlling … Continue reading
20 July 2012
by wpAdmin
Don’t worry, we haven’t been flooded. It is just that the the colours in this shot of our seeding sorrel came out so vividly that it looks as much like some underwater scene as it does a terrestrial garden: I did a … Continue reading