Wulf's Webden

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The White Cliffs of Dover


Another WWII song title but a different subject. We have been preparing music for Sunday’s Jubilee celebration at church and are looking at songs that would have been popular in early 50s Britain. With a significant influx of guests expected from our seniors lunch club, who remember the original accession and coronation, I am sure this will stir memories rather than just being an exercise in historical research. However, even apart from that, I have been struck by how poignant many of the songs are.

Granting that bluebirds are not a native UK species, I was surprised how stirring I found it rehearsing The White Cliffs of Dover, with the stark contrast between present situation and future hope. The same is also true of We’ll Meet Again and others of that era. By 1952 the war was past but Britain was still recovering and, with a new monarch, it was a time of some uncertainty (although, to be fair, I think that one can say that Liz “done good”).

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