That is what someone wrote on my back at church this evening. Fortunately they added a footnote to clarify that this is using the modern sense of the word. I suppose cool and groovy wore out some time ago and early attempts at substitutions, like bad and wicked, have not gone the distance!
Jane and I had gone up to Bicester Methodist with the Overflow Youth Band from St Clement’s to lead worship at their evening service. I was playing over the top rock guitar with the band and Jane was acting as my chaffeur. Later in the service (after the worship set, which was excellent) a mission team back from Peru were sharing the idea of writing encouragements on bits of paper taped to each others backs, prompting an interactive few minutes to put it into practise.
Over the years I’ve played with lots of bands including plenty in a worship setting but I count it a real privilege to have the opportunity to support these guys from inside the group. Despite also being labelled a guitar legend, my contributions are only icing on the cake as far as the music goes but I hope that (mixing metaphors a bit) this investment of time will bear much fruit as well as being, in all honesty, very fulfilling in the here and now too.