Wulf's Webden

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Yesterday’s Dinner, Today’s Lunch


That is not an unbreakable pattern but it often works out that what was cooked up yesterday is finished off at lunch the next day.

I was eagerly anticipating today’s leftovers, which took shape out of various things that needed using up and ended up as a delicious pasta sauce somewhere in the neighbourhood of a chilli or bolognese. I started with an onion and garlic base, seasoned with salt, pepper and chilli flakes, to which I added thin slices of red pepper and torn up chunks of mushroom. I also added a few bits of roast lamb from Sunday, which function more as a stock flavouring than as a main ingredient. To bring it together I gave a generous squeeze of tomato puree and a few liquids — a squeeze of left-over lemon, a dash of cooking sherry and another of black beer.

The most important ingredient though was probably the late addition of another glug of olive oil. It would not work for all meals but, for a pasta sauce, it brought things together into a silky mixture that luxuriantly coated the pasta and held the flavours in the mouth. This one was probably better when it was served up hot last night than cold in today’s lunchbox but certainly amounted to more than just a few scraps thrown together.

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