Wulf's Webden

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Now I am Abel


This morning we had our first veg box delivery, from Abel and Cole. We had a flyer a few weeks ago offering the fourth box free, which was enough to persuade us to finally get round to getting a box delivery set up. We had a couple of large boxes a week from Riverford when we lived down at House244 but this is our first attempt entirely on our own behest.

The next few weeks will see how it works out. In particular, we need to do a proper costing compared to how much it costs to pick similar veg up from the supermarket and also to see how well the box lasts us over the period of a week. Too little and we will still have to trawl the fruit and veg aisles; too much and there is the danger of waste (or our freezer exploding from too much clear-up soup!).

I have made a start on today’s box though – one parsnip turned into crisps to go with my crispy bacon on a bed of red cabbage and green kale (the latter pair leftovers from Sunday). If nothing else, it will be a creative challenge for a few weeks to make good use of what is provided.

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