Wulf's Webden

The Webden on WordPress

28 August 2011
by wpAdmin

Crab Apples

For the past few weeks we have been enjoying the sight of fruit decorating our crab apple tree (Malus Sylvestris ‘John Downie’). The vivid red and yellow apples seemed to glow against the other colours of the garden. However, I … Continue reading

25 August 2011
by wpAdmin
1 Comment

From The Garden

September’s issue of The Garden, the RHS magazine, arrived yesterday. Browsing through the letters page, I spotted a familiar name — my own! I sent my short epistle in a couple of months ago and had assumed it was passed … Continue reading

24 August 2011
by wpAdmin

Oil Slick

I need to get a more stable bottle for frying oil; I knocked it over this morning when filtering the oil I used last night back to its bottle. It didn’t go everywhere but I would rather have been drinking … Continue reading

21 August 2011
by wpAdmin

Sugar Cocktail!

Jane was baking a cake yesterday which called for some demerara sugar, which we didn’t have in the cupboard, so we experimented with a blend of golden syrup and honey to try and get some of the rich flavours of … Continue reading

20 August 2011
by wpAdmin


We finished two of the last three major tasks in our bathroom refurbishment yesterday, putting up the mirror and fitting the flooring. We decided on a vinyl floor and picked the pattern shown above. It is perhaps a little too … Continue reading