Wulf's Webden

The Webden on WordPress

29 May 2010
by wpAdmin

Weeding by Hand

I was reading a gardening book recently which suggested that some people find the task of weeding irksome. Really? For me it is a pleasurable opportunity to remain close to the garden, both removing plants that will be troublesome and … Continue reading

28 May 2010
by wpAdmin

Wave To Blog

You can now embed a Wave into a blog or other webpage using a Wave Element. It’s free to try, so here goes: Why not have a go at chipping in? Technorati Tags: wave google communication

26 May 2010
by wpAdmin

A Bigger Wave?

Google have now taken away the requirement to be invited to join its Wave — it is now available for everyone. They also promise that it is faster, more stable and otherwise refined. I hope this will give it a … Continue reading

25 May 2010
by wpAdmin

Stop Motion

Iceland, Eyjafjallajökull – May 1st and 2nd, 2010 from Sean Stiegemeier on Vimeo. This video from Sean Stiegemeier is fantastic. It shows the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in Iceland using stop motion photography. Particularly poignant, given the impact of this eruption on … Continue reading

23 May 2010
by wpAdmin

Love Oxford 2010

I’m off to South Park for my church gathering this morning — St Clement’s is joining with many other churches from around Oxford for Love Oxford, a huge celebration in the open air. Last year I helped with stewarding but … Continue reading

22 May 2010
by wpAdmin

Jelly Baby

We hosted KTF (Keep the Faith), one of the St Clement’s young people’s groups on Wednesday evening. I got a jelly baby from the pass-the-parcel Bible quiz and also found out that, by leaving it in water overnight, it would … Continue reading