This Sunday afternoon sees The Pico Brown Five return to The Brief on George Street in Croydon. So far this has turned out to be a fairly quiet affair so we have largely used it as a chance to rehearse; this time we are planning more of a party affair.
The plan is for the PB5 to open up the afternoon with a set featuring a few of our favourite things at 3pm, followed by making music with any musicians represented among the assembled friends both in combinations of PB5 +/- and anything else that suggests itself (until 6pm or so). Anything with a hint of jazz is fair game, from Real Book standards to free-flying improvisation.
As well as the sheer joy of making music, there is a hint of ulterior motive. Musicians thrive on contact with other musicians, not just to create but to open or make the most of opportunities that come up. By throwing our afternoon open like this, we hope to meet some new friends, discover new places to play and increase our list of deps when one or more of the PB5 can’t make it to a potential gig.
So, come one, come all and, if it appeals, bring your instrument to join in.
- Technorati Tags:
- the pico brown five
- jazz
- jam
- live music
- london
- croyon
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