Wulf's Webden

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Deep to Deep – 26 April 2008


Deep to Deep

There has been a gap since the previous Deep to Deep UK-based gathering for Christian bassists, which took place in June last year. Another meet has now been arranged for Saturday 26 April at Mid Sussex Christian Centre (180 Leylands Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 8HS).

The day will run from 11am – 3:30pm and will be free of charge. A rough programme will be drawn up nearer the time, depending on who is coming, what they are bringing (in terms of gear and experience) and what they would like to learn. Tea and coffee will be provided and there are places to buy lunch in easy distance or you can bring your own. More details about the event (including background and illustrated reports from previous meetings) are on the Deep to Deep page on my site. You can also join in the discussions that are taking place over on the Worship Released forum.

By the way, if you are a switched-on web-head, and likely to blog about the event or post photos, the requested tag to use is deep2deep, so all the information can be picked up via services such as Technorati and Flickr.

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