Wulf's Webden

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Bal, eh?


On Thursday evening, Jane and I went to see a ballet performance of Don Quijote at the Broadway Theatre in Catford.

It was my first time to a ballet event and, for my cultural credentials, I regret to say that I did not come away desperate to see more. As far as I could tell, it was well-enough choreographed with the requisite amount of jumping around. I have no doubt that the art requires great strength, skill and dedication.

However, Don Quijote seemed a rather minor character in the story given his name, as if Romeo and Juliet had been called Mercutio. From what I could see, much of prancing around did not add to the narrative and was kitted out with plastic smiles and frilly dresses.

I am glad to have had the experience but I am still not dreaming of being a ballerina when I grow up…

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