Wulf's Webden

The Webden on WordPress

Hot Pears


There are a couple of fruit trees overhanging the end of our garden. They have not provided much fruit in recent years as the local squirrels tend to destroy all the blossom and first budding but, a few days ago, we picked a couple of pears that were in easy reach.

We left them on the side for a few days to ripen up and last night I peeled, cored and sliced them to cook. Just a little brown sugar on top and microwaved for a couple of minutes (cautiously – once or twice in the past we have had sugary foods combust when heated too long!) and the result was delicious, served with a little yogurt.

Not bad at all for foraged food. As often discussed on the Selfsufficientish.com site, there are plenty of goodies out there if you just look up once in a while!

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