Wulf's Webden

The Webden on WordPress

20 October 2005
by wpAdmin

No-label Church

This morning I was reading Len’s musing on the question “what brand are you?”, with respect to church. What flavour of demoni… sorry, denomination do you belong to (freudian slip there 😉 )? His suggestion is that things have been … Continue reading

12 October 2005
by wpAdmin

What Must I Do?

Yesterday, I came across a retelling of Jesus’ encounter with the anonymous “rich young ruler”, from Mark’s gospel. If you’re not familiar with the story, it might be worth reminding yourself (Mark 10:17-23) before reading Mark of Dissonant Bible’s retelling: … Continue reading

3 October 2005
by wpAdmin

Urban Harvest

As a 21 Century city-dweller, where do I come into contact with the traditional rhythms of the year that are celebrated in the Harvest Festival that most UK churches (and many others across the globe) will celebrate in early autumn … Continue reading