Wulf's Webden

The Webden on WordPress



While publishing my series on walking the Camino de Santiago (filed under Spain), I was keen to make the reports easily available on the web. As well as writing for myself and for family and friends, I also entertained ambitions of participating in the “global infosphere” on related topics. Therefore, I started tagging the posts with links to Technorati; I haven’t yet measured the results but my work can certainly now be found via searching on that site.

While exploring the options, I noticed that there were a lot of photos posted down the side from links to Buzznet and Flickr and yesterday I chose to investigate Flickr a bit further.

Tree at Westerham

So far, my impression is that it looks like a really easy way to share photos when I don’t want to manually integrate them into my own website. Therefore, I’ve set up my own area on there (it’s free for the basic account and I think that will meet my needs).

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